Clint Finished the Texas Ironman on Saturday May 21, 2011 with a time of 15:35.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A' Berry #2

Had a doctor's appointment yesterday, everything is perfect!!! I'm 24 weeks along. Gained 4 lbs last month - which brings me to a total of 10 lbs so far. Not too bad.. My blood pressure is normal and the baby's heartbeat was 152. So far so good. C-section still set for November 17, unless it happens sooner. Hoping we don't have the problems that we had with Berkley. With the bile being backed up and the itchy- itchy stomach. If that's the case they will take her sooner. We'll See....

So far on names Clint and I are both stuck on:


1 comment:

Bethany Patton said...

LOVE THE NAME! That was my top girls name when we were picking out names....but not Stephens! My mom is I thought Marlee would be cute. Good job guys!