Poor little Marley.....
Let me rephrase that poor HUGE MARLEY!
26 lbs
Been in and out of doctor's office for over a week, and still not close to being done. Started almost two months ago when she got sick with a horrible cold, we just couldn't get rid of. She was on and off for over three weeks. Was just getting somewhat better when she had her yearly shots. In the meantime we took her off the bottle at 12 months. Was that a wake up call or what. A totally different child, was not happy with us. We couldn't get her to drink out of a sippy cup. When she tasted the milk she would throw the cup. Now if it's water she'll drink it and believe me she knows before she even touches the cup what's in it. CRAZY.. Still till today has not had a cup of milk, doctor said it's fine when and if she wants it she'll take it. We give her yogurt, pudding etc, so it's supposed to be fine. We'll see. She started getting really high fever up to 104.6 that we know of. A day or two would pass and the fever would go away, with it once again returning being high. We thought it had to be dehydration she barely wet her diapers and started getting pale in the face. Talked to several on call docs and they helped me through these long nights. Told me to make sure it didn't get higher than that and if it did to bring her in right away. They were thinking it was the flu, so it has to run it's course. Or the shots could of given her the fever as well. In the meantime no naps at all, whatsoever. Very uncomfortable, squirming, crying - SCREAMING. One day she took a three hour nap which is odd right now and of course I was worried and checking on her throughout. When she woke up she was really pale a grayish color and her lips were snowy white. I got her up and noticed she didn't want to lift her head only wanted to lay on my shoulder. Thank goodness my mom was here. She was holding her while I was on phone with doctor. Marley would turn to noises she heard with her eyes only, didn't want to move her head at all. Her eyes started rolling and was very out of it, like lethargic. They made me bring her in right away. Thought it was swine flu when they first saw her, except she didn't have any of symptoms except fever. Took test and came back negative. Took blood work from her finger and ran some tests. It came back her WBC - White Blood Cells were extremely high. 22,000 to be exact. Something was definitely going on. She had already lost two pounds in two days and was eating or drinking nothing at all. They said next step was to cath her and get a urine sample. That was the most horrific thing I've ever seen. Three people had to hold her down. That sample came back that she has a UTI - Urinary Tract Infection. Explains all the symptoms. They gave her a shot of antibiotics, and is on oral antibiotics till Sunday. Then we go back in and re-cath her for another sample. When it comes back that the infection is gone, the next step is going to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston for a lot of tests. She needs a US- Ultrasound and a VCUG first and see what comes up on those. They want to check her kidneys and make sure they are functioning properly and make sure her urine isn't getting backed up into her kidneys as well. UTI's are common in little ones and they have to run these tests after their first one to see if it was just bad luck getting the infection or if there is something causing the infection. Hopefully we'll get in the next few weeks and will let everyone know the results. Last two nights sleeping through the night again. Fever hasn't returned so that's a blessing. We hope and pray everything will be okay.
Happy Holidays 2010
14 years ago
1 comment:
Oh my goodness guys! Poor little Marley. Bless her little heart. Praying she gets well soon.
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